Nadia Kouraytem
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Utah State University
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Utah
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering, American University of Beirut
PhD Students
Farin Khan Raisa
Ph.D. Student (Presidential Doctoral Research Fellowship)
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology
MS Students
Undergraduate Students
Caleb Miller
B.S. Student, expected graduation Spring 2024 (Presidential Scholar, Undergraduate Research Fellow)
David Crummitt
B.S. MAE, minor ECE (Class of 2022)
The AECAM Laboratory is always looking for creative, motivated, and hard-working graduate and undergraduate students who are interested in conducting cutting-edge research involving advanced characterization of additively manufactured materials. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Kouraytem.